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Business Checking Accounts

Checking Accounts Built for Any Business

No matter the size of your business, you need a checking account that allows you to access your money when you need it. Paper City Savings Bank offers three business checking accounts for businesses of any size. Whether you’re a small business just starting out, an established business, or a local company or municipality, there’s a checking account built for you. Contact your local Paper City Savings Bank office to discuss your options and open an account.

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Compare Business Checking Accounts




Minimum to Open$100.00$500.00$500.00
Interest BearingNoNoYes
Monthly Service Fee$5.00$10.00$10.00
Balance to Avoid Service Fee$500.00 minimum balance*Account Analysis Applies$10,000 minimum balance
Transaction Fee250 free items/month ($0.40 thereafter)$0.15 check/debit, $0.07 not on-us deposits$0.15 check/debit, $0.07 not on-us deposits
Debit Card1 Free1 Free1 Free
AdditionalAll businesses may qualifyAll businesses may qualifyMunicipalities, Non-profits, School Districts
Who is this for?Less account activityMore account activitySubject to approval

*Earnings credit allowance on deposit balances may offset activity fees (generally tied to an index)